
MoneyHi Duo

Terms and Condition


These Terms and Conditions (the "Terms") are a binding contract between You ("User", "End User", "You", "Customer") and GreedyGame Media Private Limited ("Company, "GreedyGame", "we", "MoneyHi Duo", "our" and "us"). You must agree to and accept all of the Terms or you don't have the right to use the Services. Your use of the Services in any way implies that you agree to all of these Terms and these Terms will remain in effect during your usage of the services.

When you register on MoneyHi Duo and start using it, these terms will automatically apply to you. You should make sure therefore that you read them carefully before using the product/service. You are not allowed to copy or modify the product/service any part of the product/service or our trademarks in any way. You are not allowed to try and attempt to extract the source code of the product/service and you also shouldn't try to translate the product/service into other languages or make derivative versions. The product/service itself and all the trademarks, copyright, database rights and other intellectual property rights related to it belong to GreedyGame Media Pvt. Ltd., the owner of the product/service - MoneyHi Duo. These terms are subject to change, so you are advised to keep checking them.

These terms constitute an electronic record as per the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and the Information Technology (Intermediaries guidelines) Rules, 2011 thereunder as amended from time to time. MoneyHi Duo is not for use by any minors (defined as those who are not at least 18 years of age) and you must not use or accessMoneyHi Duo if you a minor. We reserve the sole right to make changes to the product/service at any time and for any reason in the future.


For every tasks completed, users are eligible to earn rewards (“MoneyHi Duos”). User’s MoneyHi Duos earned for tasks completed shall be based solely on the number and quality of acceptable reports received byMoneyHi Duo from its Clients (“Advertisers”). MoneyHi Duo is not liable for rewards lost or not credited to the user's wallet due to internet connectivity issues, bugs in the MoneyHi Duo system, incorrect UPI ID provided by user or Inactive wallet or any other factors. MoneyHi Duo is not liable to make any payment to the user if the pertinent payment from Advertiser is not received by MoneyHi Duo.

MoneyHi Duos credited to the user in the MoneyHi Duo wallet & cash converted from MoneyHi Duos will expire from the user's wallet if not utilized within 60 days of accrual. In other words, if a user doesn't redeem coins/ cash earned from coins within 60 days of earning them, they will then be expunged from user's wallet.

Mobile recharges or other rewards redeemed by users are completed using a third-party application. MoneyHi Duo is not responsible for failed or unsuccessful recharge transactions and repayment of the same.

Limitation Of Authority

User shall have no authority to bind, obligate or commit MoneyHi Duo in any manner, including by any promise or representation, whether oral or written, unless specifically authorized by MoneyHi Duo in writing.


In the event any dispute, arbitration or litigation arises out of in connection with or as a result of any act performed by User according to this agreement or failure to perform as the case may be, User shall cooperate fully with MoneyHi Duo to resolve the same. User agrees to indemnify and hold MoneyHi Duo harmless of and from any and all claims, demands, suits and liabilities including costs and attorney's fees to which MoneyHi Duo may be subjected because of or in connection with any proceeding arising out of the conduct or omissions of User. It is the policy of MoneyHi Duo to avoid litigation whenever possible but the decision of whether or not to enter into or maintain litigation shall be the decision of MoneyHi Duo alone. This obligation shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement.


MoneyHi Duo will provide the User with instructions and forms designed to assist the user in completing a task for MoneyHi Duo all of which shall remain MoneyHi Duo's sole property.


User will not on behalf of himself or any third party, employ or seek to employ any person employed by or engaged by MoneyHi Duo and its team around the world or otherwise directly or indirectly induce such persons to leave their employment.

Confidential Information

While User is using MoneyHi Duo and thereafter, User will hold in strictest confidence, maintain as confidential and not disclose to any third party the following: (i) Any and all information concerningMoneyHi Duo's present or former customers including their names and identities, locations and addresses, their employees and representatives, business practices as well as the information sought to be gathered and actually gathered in connection with the services provided by MoneyHi Duo to its customers; (ii) Any and all information concerning MoneyHi Duo's employees and representatives as well as any information designated orally or in writing as confidential by MoneyHi Duo App regarding MoneyHi Duo's sales methods, plans and records, MoneyHi Duo App's collections on behalf of its customers, all written communications, training and marketing materials and all other like documents not disseminated to the general public including computer programs and printouts as well as any other confidential information regarded by MoneyHi Duo as a trade secret or otherwise protected from disclosure under applicable law. The user may, in accordance with the foregoing, use such information solely as necessary in the User's use of MoneyHi Duo.

Termination and Limitation of Liability

Either party may at any time terminate this Agreement for any reason or for no reason at all. However each shall continue to comply with any and all obligations of this Agreement that are intended to survive its termination or expiration. Once the user terminates this agreement between the user and MoneyHi Duo, the user will not be allowed to use the services of MoneyHi Duo. Continue use of MoneyHi Duo means that the user has accepted these terms and the User shall be bound by these terms.

In case of any fraudulent activities detected from your end to disrupt, manipulate or hinder the right usage of MoneyHi Duo and its services, the company holds the right to terminate your access to the product without notice and initiate prosecution proceeding against you along with recovery of such amount and damages. In no event shall the Company nor any of its officers, directors, affiliates, employees, agents, and consultants be liable to you for anything arising out of or in any way connected with your use of MoneyHi Duo whether such liability is under contract, tort or otherwise and Company including its officers, directors, and employees shall not be liable for any indirect, consequential or special liability arising out of or in any way related to your use of MoneyHi Duo.

We cannot control and have no duty to take any action regarding how you may interpret and use the Content or what actions you may take as a result of having been exposed to the Content and you hereby release us from all liability for you having acquired or not acquired Content through the Services.

User understands that in the event of termination or expiration, User will receive the balance recharge due to User for tasks that MoneyHi Duo has deemed acceptable. MoneyHi Duo and User shall deal with each other fairly and in good faith relative to this Agreement. User further understands that if User has participated in any incentive promotion pursuant to which User may be entitled to a bonus, trip, or any kind of award/ rewards User will not be entitled to the same if it was not actually received prior to the date of termination. MoneyHi Duo may terminate User accounts without prior notice if any suspicious activity is found which comes in the way of the natural or intended functioning of MoneyHi Duo. MoneyHi Duo may terminate user(s) account(s) if the user is found to be indulging in promoting their MoneyHi Duo referral links or any other codes on Facebook, Google Play, or any other public properties along with misleading or spammy communication of any nature. Termination of user accounts will be at the sole discretion of MoneyHi Duo.

Breach Of Agreement

User understands and agrees that any breach or threatened breach by User of the non-competition and non-disclosure provisions or any other provision contained in this Agreement will cause MoneyHi Duo substantial, irreparable harm which is difficult to measure and that MoneyHi Duo therefore may obtain an injunction against such conduct and User consents thereto. This right is in addition to any other rights MoneyHi Duo may have against User for breach of this Agreement. Therefore whenever MoneyHi Duo may apply for a restraining order or injunction against User for breaching or threatening to breach this Agreement as described above, User waives any notice to which User may be entitled and consents to such restraining order or injunction. If MoneyHi Duo proceeds against User in the State court of Delhi or the Indian High Courts/ Supreme Court situated in or closest to said area of Delhi on any cause of action arising out of this Agreement, User agrees that such court may exercise personal jurisdiction over User. In the event of any breach of this Agreement by the User, the User agrees to pay MoneyHi Duo all losses and damages sustained as a result thereof as well as court costs, attorney fees, and related expenses.


MoneyHi Duo services are available only to and can only be used by an individual who can form legally binding contracts as per the prevailing laws in India. The term individual shall only include a living person and does not include all other legal creations. The services are not available to minors under the age of 18 or to any users suspended or removed from accessing MoneyHi Duo for any reason. Each notice to either MoneyHi Duo or User required hereunder shall be in writing and emailed to the addresses provided by the parties unless and until any such address is changed in writing. MoneyHi Duo and User shall exercise their best efforts to communicate to the other any such change in address. Such notices shall be deemed given when mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested. Any written notice may be personally delivered but personally delivered notices shall be deemed given on the date of actual receipt.

This Agreement contains the entire understanding and agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior written agreements, understandings and negotiations both written and oral between the Parties. MoneyHi Duo reserves the right to make changes to the Site related policies and agreements, the terms of services and the Privacy Policy at any time without prior notice to the user. MoneyHi Duo may assign this Agreement to any successor to all or part of its business or any parent, subsidiary or an affiliated company. User may not assign these Terms, or any part thereof without MoneyHi Duo's written consent.

These terms contemplate the creation of a relationship of independent contractor by and between MoneyHi Duo and end users; with User as Contractor and MoneyHi Duo as Contractee. Nothing herein is intended to create nor should be construed as creating the relationship of employer and employee. These terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India without regard to conflicts of laws principles. The Court of Delhi, India shall have the exclusive jurisdiction pertaining to any matter arising out of this agreement. If any provision of this Agreement is declared invalid under such laws, the validity of the other provisions shall not be affected thereby and that part shall remain enforced. Furthermore, the User agrees to abide by all local, state, and national laws where applicable while serving in the capacity of Independent Contractor/ User to MoneyHi Duo. It shall be the user's responsibility to read and understand the terms and conditions of the agreement and privacy policy updated from time to time and the MoneyHi Duo shall not be responsible for any failure therein on the part of the user. No agency, partnership, joint venture, or employment is created as a result of these Terms and you do not have any authority of any kind to bind the Company in any respect whatsoever.

Payment terms for MoneyHi Duo Platform

  • All earnings can be withdrawn to bank accounts only.
  • Name on the bank account should be same as the name on PAN card associated with your MoneyHi Duo account.
  • A TDS of 5% will be deducted on every amount earned by the user
  • This TDS is deposited as per government compliance and a TDS certificate will be shared with users every quarter. This can be downloaded from the app.
  • For contests and giveaways, MoneyHi Duo reserves the right to charge a Platform Fee which would be specified and notified by MoneyHi Duo.
  • The User acknowledges that subject to time taken for bank transfers and such other external dependencies that MoneyHi Duo has on third parties, any transactions on MoneyHi Duo Platform may take up to 7 business days to be processed. In rare circumstances it may also take longer.
  • At the time of the transaction, Users may also be required to take note of certain additional terms and conditions and such additional terms and conditions shall also govern the transaction. To the extent that the additional terms and conditions contain any clause that is conflicting with the present terms and conditions, the additional terms and conditions shall prevail.


In respect of any campaigns running, to run or to be executed in the future or not to be executed on the MoneyHi Duo platform is the sole and absolute discretion of MoneyHi Duo to run or not run a campaign or use complete/ partial information from the campaign as provided toMoneyHi Duo App.

If you have any questions or suggestions about these Terms and Conditions, do not hesitate to reach out to us at:-